We have been receiving such generous help lately, it is really overwhelming. The woman across (or "acrost" as they say in Utah) the street has been bringing us a feast every Thursday this month and Abby has been so impressed by this act of service that she insisted on writing her own thank-you note. She started asking me to spell out every single letter and I, being busy with a crossword puzzle, told her to sound everything out and just write. I went back to my puzzle and about 5 minutes later, she announced she was finished (I, being the ever-attentive mother I am, had forgotten what it was she was even supposed to be doing by that time). I cried when I saw it... she really isn't a baby anymore is she? I had to scan it before we delivered it (which brought more tears from the recipient). Here it is in all its glory:
I love the part where she forgot how to spell "the" and just scribbled something in. Also, I was surprised at how well she was able to phonetically spell words she had never spelled before. My baby is all grown up.
She certainly is amazing. You are such a wonderful little family and are raising a beautiful little girl. I hope McKenzie is as sweet and curious about the world around her as Abby is when she gets older.
Wow, so cute, what a sweetheart! Can't wait to see pics and hear more about her with the twins! YAHOOO, you are almost done!
I am so impressed! Not only is she so smart, but she is so thoughtful!
hgjtugbbut yyyyythyh hyuhuthuh huyu8tu uyh8y7 78ty uyguygu - from sarah
hello Abby!!
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