Tuesday, May 6, 2008

2 Babies + 2 Heartbeats = 1 Happy Family

We had our Nuchal Translucency scan at the hospital today. We took Abigail with us as she wanted to see the babies "on the TV" so badly last time and we didn't get to. Well, we weren't disappointed. They were both there and had strong heartbeats and they look like little humans this time! Baby A was 4.6 cm and Baby B was 4.76 cm so they're really close in size and development. We loved watching them kick and twist and flip around and it was so strange seeing these two living beings inside of me moving around so much and yet, I couldn't feel a thing... it did weird things to my brain, logically. Luckily, the one that had been active when we first got there (Baby A) decided to take a nap when the doctor needed a measurement so we stayed there a lot longer than usual trying to get him/her to move (Mum said that one must be a boy because when he was done, he was DONE). When he did finally wake up, he waved a little hand like he wanted us to just leave him alone, but Abby interpreted it as, "Look! The baby is waving at me... how cute!" We heard the term "cute" come out of her mouth more than just a few times today. Baby B was upside down (to our point of view) and sleeping for his/her photo, but woke up for the measurements. They're so funny already! We couldn't get a photo together that was good at all because one was right on top of the other... I guess that explains why my belly is poking out so much already! We were so glad we brought Abby. It was such a magical experience for the whole family and she was just so good! She behaved exactly perfectly... so now that we know she can; no more excuses for bad behavior! We will find out their sexes at the next scan... the first week in July!


jeri said...

I can not tell you how cute your little tummy is!!! We're going to have so many book club babies next year!

Kim Tafua said...

Hey you...you have no idea how much I miss you right now. I wish you were here to just go for a drive to see Amz. I can't wait till you get here to visit. Isn't that real soon? I need to have a really long talk. Oh ya, this is to make comments about you, sorry. Umm cute growing babies. I really like the black and white photo's...very classy!

Cassidy said...

Yay for cute babies! My first ultrasound was the same way. She was dancing around SO much and I couldn't feel any of it, so I started laughing and made the screen go all fuzzy... once I had composed myself we went on with the ultrasound. And from that moment on, she's been known as "Baby Dance Dance." I'm SO excited for you!!

Anonymous said...

Yay for babies!!! I'm so glad to hear that they're both doing well. YAY!!!

Sara G said...

This brings back so many memories! I'm so happy and excited for you, twins are SOOOO much fun. It really just keeps getting better and better. How are you feeling? Please let me know if I can do anything for you.

lani said...

So exciting to see your twins--they look perfect!