For me, it was so weird, there was a paper barrier hung so I couldn't see what was going on (which was fine with me), but I could feel everything... and it didn't hurt. I mean, I could feel hands inside of me, I could feel the babies being maneuvered and lifted out of my body, and didn't feel pain... it was so weird. Lily still got to come out first with Liam following a minute afterward. I saw a brief glance and heard the cries of each one before they were whisked off. Paul was able to go with them as I was getting stapled back together. When I was patched up, I was wheeled to the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to see them before going to the recovery room To be honest, I was so high and so tired, this part was all a blur. I will have to have Paul tell you more about this. I don't even remember being taken to my room. I do know that Liam was taken out of the NICU and brought into the well-baby nursery and I got to nurse him and spend all night with him. It was a great surprise to his daddy to be able to hold him the next morning...
As it turned out, Liam saved all of our bacon. We didn't see it on the ultrasound,but Lily (at the gate and ready to come out first) had a leg up behind her head and a vaginal birth could have done so much more damage to her and to me... it would not have been pretty. Liam was in distress because his placenta had started pulling away and there was meconium in his water. THANK YOU LIAM! I know that Heavenly Father had heard my prayers (and many of yours as well) and helped this delivery go as smoothly as possible.
Lily Claire Baynes was born on October 28, 2008 at 5:44 pm. She was 18 inches long and weighed 5lb 7oz (although Paul swears she was 5.8 in the OR).
Liam Thomas Baynes was born on October 28, 2008 at 5:45 pm. He was 18 inches long and weighed 5lb 8oz.
they are so cute! Glad everything went okay!
Oh Bethany! This post made me cry...they are beautiful! Your pics brought back a flood of memories & emotions that I felt last year! I have to say with twins I think a C-section is the way to go. I'm sooo glad you & babies are doing well and that you are NOT prego anymore! You poor thing, those last few weeks are MISERABLE. CONGRATS, like I said before now the fun really begins!!!! Please call or email me if there is anything I can do. Even if you need to vent--trust me I'll completely understand ;)
So incredibly beautiful!!!! Congratulations on your beautiful family :)
Her poor leg!!! That isn't how I pictured it. Aren't you so grateful for modern medicene! Congrats on your two new editions
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