What is something mom always says to you? “No and yes.”
What makes mom happy? "Huggies and kisses."
What makes mom sad? "Making all the messes."
How does mom make you laugh? "Tickling me."
What was mom like as a child? "Calm." (Yeah Right!)
How old is mom? "Thirty." (Not bad at all)
How tall is mom? "10!" (I am a ten!)
What's mom's favorite thing to do? "Washing the dishes."
What does mom do when you're not around? "Sit on the couch and hug the babies."
If mom was famous, what would she be famous for? "Naughty things." (Hmmmmm)
What is mom really good at? "Eating and hugging me."
What is mom not really good at? "Bending down." (Ain’t that the truth)
What does mom do for her job? "Looks at the food at the store and turns on lamps."
What is mom's favorite food? "Soup." (Can you guess what's for dinner tonight?)
What makes you proud of your mom? "Because her blue eyeballs are like me."
If mom was a cartoon character, who would she be? "Ariel."
What do you and your mom like to do together? "Read and eat food."
How are you and your mom the same? "We both like to read."
How are you and your mom different? "I’m short and she’s tall. I look like my Daddy."
How do you know mom loves you? "Because she hugs me and tells me."