Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bye-bye Ginger

My parent's horse, Ginger, has been sick for a while. She was getting really old and just deteriorating and there was really nothing to be done for her. Last week, she stopped eating her pellets and we knew the end was near so I sat Abby down and prepared her. Ginger was the first and only horse she had ever really known. All Abby knows about horses came from Ginger and she helped take care of her ever since she could barely even walk. She rode her when only 18 months old. She could feed her by herself with no fear of the giant animal following behind her. They were great friends.
Sunday, Ginger passed away quietly in the softest grass in her pasture. When I broke the news to Abby she just cried and clung to me for a while. She was absolutely distraught and said, "Ginger was just the best horse ever! I wish she never had to die!" and we talked about the Plan of Salvation and how death isn't the end but the beginning of the next life, etc. We talked about how we will miss her but that she wasn't in pain anymore, etc. We talked about how it was okay to cry, etc. She began to stop crying a bit and I thought we were really having a moment and then she said, "I wish Ginger was a pegasus-unicorn and could live forever in Butterfly Land!" Then started crying and dramatically threw herself back into my arms. She was totally serious and sincere and it was all I could do not to laugh.We loved Ginger and I am thankful for all she taught my daughter. She will be missed.


Cassidy said...

Oh... my heart aches for Abby. My grandma had a horse that died when I was 12 and it was sad...

I'm glad you were able to use this experience to teach her about the Plan of Salvation. What a great mommy you are!! (And what a great mommy to not laugh about the unicorns. I don't think I could have done it.)

Sarah said...

I'm completely crying. My first horse was Ragu. I also used to dream he was a pegasus-unicorn. I have pictures so much like that. Good thing I'm alone cause this is embarrassing.

Chellers said...

That was so sweet and sad and hilarious all at once. What great mommy moments.

Jenny said...

My kids are so sad for Abby. They hope she feels better soon.

Heather said...

So sorry about Ginger. I'm sure she is now happy in butterfly land and enjoying her new horn. I love Abby.

By the way, I love the new background.